Welcome to Beauty Food!

Beauty is more than having a good figure. Vitality and health play an important part. Skin, hair, and nails are fortified by various vitamins and minerals that need to come from our food.

The recipes here are beneficial to health, and is in no way intended to replace medical advise.The human body has the capacity to heal itself if given optimum nutrition.

“When sometimes we doubt, let’s look at the past to teach us the future.”“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food!— Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine


Raisins to Radiance

If raisins aren't a part of your diet, you are missing out on an important beauty food. Here is a few reasons why you need raisins.

Raisins are one of the top antioxidants because they contain phytochemicals as well as adding iron and potassium to your diet. (Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that contain protective,disease-preventing compounds.) They also provide two kids of fibre... soluble and insoluble.

They are cholesterol-free, low in sodium and virtually fat-free, making them one of the best snack foods you can choose and second only to prunes which offer twice the level of antioxidants.

Source: About.com

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