Welcome to Beauty Food!

Beauty is more than having a good figure. Vitality and health play an important part. Skin, hair, and nails are fortified by various vitamins and minerals that need to come from our food.

The recipes here are beneficial to health, and is in no way intended to replace medical advise.The human body has the capacity to heal itself if given optimum nutrition.

“When sometimes we doubt, let’s look at the past to teach us the future.”“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food!— Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine


Beat Cellulite --- Bottom Line Recipe

Cellulite is composed of fat deposits encased in fibrous tissue. If the overlying skin loses tautness as a result of the weakening of the collagen and elastin tissues, it will take the shape of any fat lying underneath. What you see is the fat cells around it puckering out, causing bumpy-looking skin.

Most salon treatments for cellulite involve massage. Lymphatic drainage massage is a popular treatment and is said to lessen swelling and ease water retention.

A home treatment recommended involves blending some dead sea salt and virgin coconut oil together, then vigorously massaging thighs and stomach area in an upward circular motion. This will keep you firm and beautiful.

The Bottom Line Recipe

A surefire way to attack cellulite is by adopting a low-fat diet and consistent exercise routine. This is the only indesputable way to attack cellulite.

A balanced diet low in fat is essential. Beauty Food recommends this recipe taken twice a day:

2 cups cold water

2 slices pineapple (fresh is best)

2 scoops high-quality soy protein powder(look for brands with fat burners)

3 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Makes 2 servings. Take half of the shake as a morning snack and save the other half as an afternoon snack.

Why this Works?

  • Soy Protein contains lecithin which helps get rid of cellulite
  • Soy protein helps with weight management
  • Soy Protein prevents your body from storing fat
  • Pineapple is considered as a low-calorie, high-fiber fat-burning food

Beauty Food also recommends:

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