Welcome to Beauty Food!

Beauty is more than having a good figure. Vitality and health play an important part. Skin, hair, and nails are fortified by various vitamins and minerals that need to come from our food.

The recipes here are beneficial to health, and is in no way intended to replace medical advise.The human body has the capacity to heal itself if given optimum nutrition.

“When sometimes we doubt, let’s look at the past to teach us the future.”“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food!— Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine


Yogurt Beauty

Five Reasons Why You Should Stock Up on Yogurt

1. Just one cup of yogurt will help blemishes clear up thanks to the zinc it contains. Look for varieties that do not contain a lot of fat or sugar. Yes, they do exist and they offer lots of taste.

2. For menopausal women, it offers more calcium than milk, which is a good thing to know for those who don't care for the taste.

3. Plain yogurt is often used as a facial mask. I would avoid the flavored varieties, for obvious reasons, but plain yogurt will cleanse the skin quite nicely. Skin however needs to be free of makeup. Yogurt is good... but it's not that good!

4. It is also often used to soothe an itchy scalp. And while it is soothing the scalp, it is also working on your dandruff. Apply, wrap hair in a towel and then rinse after 15 minutes.

5. Your hands and nails can also benefit from yogurt. Simply combine 8 ounces of plain yogurt with the juice of one lemon. Return to the refrigerator for several hours and then use to massage your hands and nails. Rinse and pat your hands dry and you should notice the difference. Hands should be soft and supple. *Keep mixture in refrigerator and use within 2 weeks or so.

Source: About.com

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