Welcome to Beauty Food!

Beauty is more than having a good figure. Vitality and health play an important part. Skin, hair, and nails are fortified by various vitamins and minerals that need to come from our food.

The recipes here are beneficial to health, and is in no way intended to replace medical advise.The human body has the capacity to heal itself if given optimum nutrition.

“When sometimes we doubt, let’s look at the past to teach us the future.”“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food!— Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine


Skin-friendly Muesli

All the main ingredients of muesli are considered important elements of a healthy diet: fruits packed with enzymes,wheat grains are rich in fibre and essential trace elements, multi-vitamin fruit juice as source of healthy nutrients.

Fresh muesli is a tasty way to start the day with one or two portions of fresh fruit. Try this recipe:

Skin-friendly Muesli:

1 can fruit cocktail (medium size)
40g (1 1/2 oz) flaked millet
2tsp wheatgerm
100ml (4fl oz) multi-vitamin juice (try Innergize Orange)

Mix all ingredients. Serves 2.

Why this Works?

  • adding wheat germ as a source of vitamin E to your diet, moisturizes the skin
  • Millet is tasty, with a mildly sweet, nut-like flavor and contains a myriad of beneficial nutrients. It is nearly 15% protein, contains high amounts of fiber, B-complex vitamins including niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin, the essential amino acid methionine, lecithin, and some vitamin E. It is particularly high in the minerals iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium
  • Innergize as a multi vitamin juice is fortified with 100% RDI and vitamin C and nearly two-thirds of the RDI of beta Carotene – two antioxidants that play a key role in cell defense.

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Beauty Food Editor said...

Thank you Liz, I visited your site too. Great layout! Will keep coming back.

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